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1st FRESCO Workshop
24rd June 2016
The LPG-BIAF laboratory will host the first FRESCO workshop on June 24th, 2016 at Angers University, France, following the TMS foram and nannofossil spring meeting (20th to 23rd of June)

Bourgneuf - La Couplasse
7 March 2016
Sampling and field experiments to study the ecology of benthic foraminifera of Bourgneuf bay. In collaboration with Joan Bernhard (WHOI, USA)

Denmark Preliminary experiments
From 9 November 2015 to 13 November 2015
One week visit of E. Geslin (LPG - BIAF), T. Jauffrais (LPG-BIAF) and B. Jesus (MMS) to the marine station of Helsingor (Denmark). First scientific contact with Dr. Kühl and his team. Testing of innovative techniques to study foraminifera.
FRESCO Summer School 2017
From 2st July 2017 to 7 July 2017
The first FRESCO Summer school was held on July 2nd to 7th, 2017 at Angers University (France). The course was intended for students/researchers interested in Living benthic foraminifera in coastal environments.
FRESCO Summer school 2018
From 10 June 2018 to 15 June 2018
The LPG-BIAF is delighted to announce that the 2nd edition of the FRESCO Summer school will be held on June 10th to 15th, 2018 at Angers University (France). The course is intended for students/researchers interested in Living benthic foraminifera in coastal environments
PhD Position (3 years) at GEOMAR (Germany)
2st May 2018
Open position for a PhD student working on the incorporation of trace metals into biogenic carbonate of benthic foraminifera and corals. The potential new proxies are to be calibrated by culturing experiments and applied to high-resolution sediment and coral cores from more or less pristine and highly polluted environments. Are you keen in experimental work ? Dedicated tinkerer and do-it-yourselver ? Do you know how to set up and run an aquarium ? Do you have a clue about trace metals in the environment ?
PhD Position (3 years) at LPG-BIAF (France)
1st September 2018
PhD opportunity at LPG-BIAF (Angers university): Interested in climate change in polar region, Sea ice dynamics in Arctic fjords, Benthic Foraminifera, ... Application in the "Make Our Planet Great Again" initiative, candidate must not be French citizen. Deadline: Friday 20th April, 2018
PhD thesis (3 years) at Angers University
1st September 2016
The role of the Ammonia tepida species complex in coastal ecosystems of the eastern Atlantic margin
PhD thesis (3 years) at Angers University (France)
1st September 2017
Study of biological and geochemical interactions in intertidal mudflats: multidisciplinary approach at different scales
PhD thesis (3 years) at Nantes University (France)
31 August 2017
Role of intertidal microbial biodiversity in sediment ecosystem functions
PhD thesis (4 years) at Lund University (Sweden)
2st May 2018
PhD opportunity: Interested in marine sciences, low oxygen environments and proxy development? Are you an ambitious student? Look no further, we offer a fully funded PhD position at Lund University, Sweden, with the focus on one of the major environmental challenges of our time: marine deoxygenation. Deadline 7 March 2018.
Post-doctoral position (18 months) at Angers University
1st January 2019
The Angers research team (LPG‐BIAF UMR6112) from the Laboratory of Planetology and Geodynamics invites applications from outstanding young scientists for a postdoctoral position in paleoceanography to participate in a research project aimed at reconstructing Holocene marine environmental change at decadal to centennial timescales in North Atlantic and Mediterranean regions
Postdoc and PhD-‐student openings at EPFL
3nd September 2018
Announcement of open positions for ERC grant: Postdoc and PhD‐student @EPFL on "Studies of diagenetic processes in marine biogenic calcite"
Postdoctoral position (1 year) at Helsinki University
1 October 2016
Microbiology: the missing link in benthic foraminiferal ecology
From 17 March 2016 to 24rd March 2016
Several international partners of the FRESCO project (Foraminiferal Research Consortium) came to LPG-BIAF in March, 2016; their lectures triggered intense scientific discussion.