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Foraminiferal Research Consortium

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    About FRESCO

    About FRESCO

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    Foraminiferal Research Consortium

    FRESCO "Foraminiferal Research Consortium" is an international project with the aim  to structure the research on coastal benthic foraminifera through an international consortium of researchers (4 laboratories of the Pays de la Loire Region and 15 international partners gathered around the LPG-BIAF Laboratory at Angers).

    Since about 20 years, LPG-BIAF is internationally renowned for its studies on Foraminifera, marine micro-organisms.

    The 15 international partners of the research consortium are composed of 9 of the world's most prominent research teams working on foraminifera, and 6 larger multidisciplinary European teams, which are renowned internationally for their expertise in complementary topics, such as microbiology, cell biology, geochemistry and (paleo-)oceanography. Such interdisciplinary research will allow us to better understand the highly specific, and still poorly known, vital functions of foraminifera, which allow some species to subsist under strongly adverse conditions.

    In summary, because of the very strong complementarity and interdisciplinarity of the research groups involved in the project, FRESCO guarantees the production of significant new results, and an improved understanding of the role of foraminifera in coastal environments.

    The financial means provided by the Pays de la Loire Region in the context of its " International Strategy" program will not only reinforce the role of the LPG-BIAF as international leader of the research on foraminifera and perpetuate the international visibility of research performed in the Pays de la Loire Region, but will also strengthen the links between the complementary scientific teams and assure an increase of top level research on the functioning of coastal ecosystems.

    fresco @ univ-angers.fr

    Project leaders

    The scientific responsibility for the project is assured by the UMR CNRS 6112 LPG (LPG – BIAF, Recent and fossils Bio-indicators - Angers University)

    • Scientific Coordinator of the project: Emmanuelle Geslin (CV)
    • Scientific Co-coordinator of the project: Frans Jorissen

    Project manager: Marie-Caroline Schbath
    (practical organization and external communication)


    Post-doctoral researcher : Thierry Jauffrais


    PhD Students :

    • Julien Richirt (01/09/2016 - 31/08/2019): The role of the Ammonia tepida species complex in coastal ecosystems of the eastern Atlantic margin - Directed by F. Jorissen, A. Mouret et M. Schweizer
    • Constance Choquel (01/09/2017 - 31/08/2020): Study of biological and geochemical interactions in intertidal mudflats: multidisciplinary approach at different scales - Directed by E. Geslin, A. Mouret et B. Jesus

    Steering committee

    The steering committee of the FRESCO project is composed of:

    Emmanuelle Geslin – UMR 6112 LPG – BIAF (Angers – France)

    Frans Jorissen – UMR 6112 LPG – BIAF (Angers – France)

    Christine Barras – UMR 6112 LPG – BIAF (Angers – France)

    Bruno Jesus – EA 2116 MMS (Nantes – France)

    Helena Filipsson – Lund University (Sweden)