1st FRESCO Workshop
24rd June 2016

We are delighted to announce that the first FRESCO workshop will take place in June at Angers University, France.
This first workshop meeting will take place on June 24th, 2016 following the annual international meeting of the TMS (The Micropalaeontological Society) Foraminifera and Nannofossil groups organized by the LPG-BIAF at Angers University.
75% of the international partners of the FRESCO project will be present.
The morning will be dedicated to the presentation of the project and the various partners, the afternoon will be dedicated to scientific talks on results obtained in the context of the FRESCO project and on current and future projects.
Workshop Schedule : Télécharger le fichier «Fresco workshop Schedule.pdf» (185.3 KB)
Registration form (return competed before the 15th of April, 2016 to fresco @ univ-angers.fr) : Télécharger le fichier «FRESCO Workshop_Registration_Form.doc» (170.5 KB)
For further information on the workshop, please contact : fresco@univ-angers.fr or emmanuelle.geslin @ univ-angers.fr