Post-doctoral position (18 months) at Angers University
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
1st January 2019
The Angers research team (LPG‐BIAF UMR6112) from the Laboratory of Planetology and Geodynamics invites applications from outstanding young scientists for a postdoctoral position in paleoceanography to participate in a research project aimed at reconstructing Holocene marine environmental change at decadal to centennial timescales in North Atlantic and Mediterranean regions
Application deadline: 15th November, 2018
Starting: January 2018
Contact : meryem.mojtahid@univ‐
Postdoc and PhD-‐student openings at EPFL
"Studies of diagenetic processes in marine biogenic calcite"
3nd September 2018
Announcement of open positions for ERC grant: Postdoc and PhD‐student @EPFL on "Studies of diagenetic processes in marine biogenic calcite"
PhD Position (3 years) at LPG-BIAF (France)
Marine bio-indicators for freeze-thaw cycles of Arctic sea ice; chronicle of recent changes
1st September 2018
Application: in the "Make Our Planet Great Again" initiative, candidate must not be French citizen
Application deadline: Friday 20th April, 2018
Supervisor: Pr. Hélène Howa (LPG, University of Angers)
Further information: contact Hélène Howa (
PhD Position (3 years) at GEOMAR (Germany)
Paleoceanography of trace metal pollution
2st May 2018
Application deadline: 23th March, 2018
Further information: contact bewerbung @
PhD thesis (4 years) at Lund University (Sweden)
Tracing past bottom-water oxygenation in the sea: a microanalytical approach to improve calcium carbonate-based proxies
2st May 2018
Application deadline: 7th March, 2018
Principal supervisor: Prof. Helena L. Filipsson (Department of Geology, Lund University),
Co-supervisors: Dr. Joan M. Bernhard (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA) and Dr. Christine Barras (UMR CNRS LPG, University of Angers, France).
Further information:
PhD thesis (3 years) at Angers University (France)
Study of biological and geochemical interactions in intertidal mudflats: multidisciplinary approach at different scales
1st September 2017
Application deadline: Friday 26th May, 2017
Supervisor: Emmanuelle Geslin (LPG, University of Angers)
Co-supervision: Aurélia Mouret (University of Angers), Bruno Jesus (University of Nantes)
Further information: contact Emmanuelle Geslin (emmanuelle.geslin @
PhD thesis (3 years) at Nantes University (France)
Role of intertidal microbial biodiversity in sediment ecosystem functions
31 August 2017
Application deadline: Monday 6th February, 2017
Supervisors: Dr. Bruno Jesus (University of Nantes), Dr. Cédric Hubas (MNHN) and Prof. Laurent Barillé (University of Nantes)
Further information: contact Dr. Bruno Jesus (bruno.jesus @ or Dr. Cédric Hubas (cedric.hubas @
Postdoctoral position (1 year) at Helsinki University
Microbiology: the missing link in benthic foraminiferal ecology
1 October 2016
Starting: october 2016
Supervisors: Dr. Karoliina Koho
Further information on the website
PhD thesis (3 years) at Angers University
The role of the Ammonia tepida species complex in coastal ecosystems of the eastern Atlantic margin
1st September 2016
Starting: september 2016
Supervisors: Frans Jorissen & Aurélia Mouret
Further information: frans.jorissen @