Financial means provided by the Pays de la Loire Region
- Duration : 3 years (from October 1st, 2015 till September 30st, 2018)
- Budget : 300 000 € granted by the Pays de la Loire Region

More than 40 involved researchers: specialists in the study of foraminifera or in complementary topics (microbiology, cellular biology, oceanography)
- 5 laboratories in the Pays de la Loire Region
- 15 international partners
12 countries among which 7 member states of the European Union
- 1 project manager (3 years, half-time) : Marie-Caroline SCHBATH
- 2 post-doctoral fellow : Thierry JAUFFRAIS (36 months) and Charlotte LEKIEFFRE (3 months)
- 2 PhD students (3 years each) : Julien RICHIRT (01/09/2016 - 31/08/2019) and Constance CHOQUEL (01/09/2017 - 31/08/2020)
Events organized and planned
- 5 seminars in March, 2016
- 1 international Workshop: in June 24th, 2016
- 2 international trainings (" FRESCO Summer School ") in July, 2017 and June 2018